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Terrorists take over a 747 bound from Athens to Washington D.C., supposedly to effect the release of their leader. Intelligence expert David Grant sus

Richard Loving, a white construction worker in Caroline County, Virginia, falls in love with a local black woman and family friend, Mildred Jeter. Upo

During the 1950s an American journalist disappears in China. His wife, Jane Hoyt, arrives in Hong Kong, determined to find him. There are rumors that

Manchester 1976: Cambridge educated Tony Wilson, Granada TV presenter, is at a Sex Pistols gig. Totally inspired by this pivotal moment in music histo Big Bad Fox and Other Stories (LFF) These three stories make Benjamin Renner an animated cartoon animated cartoon. In the first story „Baby to Deliver“, „Stork Stork“, „Ducks and Pigs“ takes care of the baby’s return with his parents. The Griswolds win a vacation to Europe on a game show, and thus pack their bags for the continent. They do their best to catch the flavor of Europe, b A young boy named Yankee Irving finds himself at an extraordinary crossroads: He has a chance to be a hero - and make a difference against incredible In Paris, in the early years of the twentieth century, lives Chico, a sewer worker with lofty aspirations. One night, Chico saves a young prostitute n Nina Geld (Winstead) is a bracingly funny and blisteringly provocative stand-up comedian whose career is taking off, but whose personal life is a near A poor farmer is obsessed with finding gold on his land supposedly buried by his grandfather. To find it he conveniently moves a marker out of his way

When the Universe decides what it wants, it's pointless to resist. With his family's life at stake, Joseph Steadman finds himself the unwilling test s When his parents are killed, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne relocates to Asia, where he is mentored by Henri Ducard and Ra's Al Ghul in how to fight During the 1950s an American journalist disappears in China. His wife, Jane Hoyt, arrives in Hong Kong, determined to find him. There are rumors that Bill Marks, a former cop dealing with his daughter's death by drinking, is now a federal air marshal. While on a flight from New York to London, Marks After a series of bad experiences with men, Shae teams up with her co-worker, Lu, who has a simple, deadly way of dealing with the opposite sex. A gang of young people call themselves the Living Dead. They terrorize the population from their small town. After an agreement with the devil, if the

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Based upon the short but fruitful life of illness-racked Italian poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi. Wayne is back, this time trying to organize a rock festival with help from friend Garth and the spirit of Jim Morrison (Doors). Meanwhile, his girlfri Young Danny Madigan is a big fan of Jack Slater, a larger-than-life action hero played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. When his best friend, Nick the projec A young gallerist is in love with two sisters at the same time. In order to solve the problem he decides to invent his own twin-brother. Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young Milton Parker has made millions inventing and selling games. Upon his death, his relatives and domestic staff gather for the reading of the will. Howe

1 Apr 2013 He's found his mojo, baby, and now Austin Powers is back again in this You'll see some familiar faces, Michael York, Seth Green, Robert 

Milton Parker has made millions inventing and selling games. Upon his death, his relatives and domestic staff gather for the reading of the will. Howe

Based upon the short but fruitful life of illness-racked Italian poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi.

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